Home Dumpster Rental

Large Chicago dumpster

Renting a Dumpster is Simple. Call for a Free Quote 708-798-2212

Our Dumpster Rental Includes:

  • Dumpster Delivery

  • Dumpster Pick Up

  • Material Haul Away

  • Material Disposal

Whether you’re remodeling your home, replacing a roof, or cleaning out the basement, temporary clean-up dumpsters are the perfect choice. Your dumpster rental includes delivery, pick up, hauling and disposal. Available in a variety of sizes, dumpsters are an affordable and efficient way to keep your worksite clean (and your neighbors happy).

Dumpster Sizes

10 Yard

15 Yard

20 Yard

30 Yard

30 yard dumpster

How Temporary Dumpster Service Works

Step 1: Select Your Dumpster Size

Multiple options are available to fit the size and scope of your project.

Step 2: Clean Up and Fill It Up

Your dumpster is delivered to your project and placed where you want it.

Step 3: We’ll Take It Away

When you’re done, we’ll quickly pick up the dumpster and dispose of it.

Helpful Dumpster Rental Hints

Lay wood or plywood down on your driveway or grass. 3 pieces of 2×6 lumber, or 2 sheets of plywood will work. The wood helps prevent driveway and lawn damage.

How much material? What kind of material? These are the two basic questions you need to answer before ordering a temporary dumpster. For example, 10 yard dumpsters are built to handle concrete and dirt.

When you load your dumpster keep in mind to load it level full, not over the top.  If it’s heavy material make sure weight is evenly distributed from side to side and front to back.  And make sure you load it so material does not fall out.

  • No e-waste, such as tv’s, computers, printers, washers, dryers, and kitchen appliances
  • No hazardous waste, oils, gases or chemicals
  • No old car parts, such as car engines and rubber tires
  • Please do not mix yard waste with other waste. It is important to keep these separate.

Keep in mind that dumpsters have tonnage capacities and load limits.  If you are disposing of especially heavy materials, make sure you let us know and we can advise you on your specific tonnage limitations. We pride ourselves in having some of the highest capacity dumpsters in the area. If you’re shopping around be sure you ask about tonnage limits, we think you’ll find our dumpsters hold the most material at a great price.

If you need to open the back door of the dumpster, allow at least 6 feet between buildings and the dumpster. And make sure there is plenty of room for the driver to retrieve the dumpster when the job is wrapped up. An often overlooked aspect of dumpster rental is that the truck needs clearance from trees and wires above the drop off point. Lifting a dumpster takes some considerable height for trucks to deliver and retrieve.

Our dumpster rentals are for 7 days. We may arrive early on the 7th day to retrieve the dumpster. For example, if we delivered the dumpster at 1pm on a Wednesday, we might arrive at 9am the following Wednesday to pick it up. Don’t need a dumpster for all 7 days? No problem. Please let us know at least a day in advance so we can accurately schedule your pick up.

Contact your village to find out if a permit is required for your dumpster and for other instructions. A temporary dumpster on private property rarely requires a permit. A dumpster placed on the street often requires village approval or permit.

Why Choose Us?

  • Over 65 years of local experience

  • Your invoicing and scheduling is an easy customer-friendly process

  • Radio dispatched local drivers will easily locate your location
  • We own a large dumpster inventory, ensuring you selection and availability

  • Your pick-up and delivery is timely because of our large fleet

  • Your questions will be answered by our knowledgeable team

We have better prices than national competitors and decades of local experience. Fill out our quick online quote form, and we’ll reply with a detailed solution that meets your short or long-term project needs. Schedule your rental Monday–Friday, with just 24-hours notice. We accept check, cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Rental time is generally 7 days. Additional rental time is always an option. 

You will receive quick service from experienced drivers and dumpster delivery right to your home. Just call when the dumpster is full or schedule your dumpster pickup in advance.

Check with your local village or city regarding dumpster permits (required in some areas, especially if placed on the street.)