Recycling Egg Cartons at Home

Eggs are one of the most popular breakfast items because there are so many different ways to make them- scrambled, omelet, over-easy, hard boiled, etc. But have you ever thought about the correct way to dispose of the egg carton once you’ve finished all the eggs?

egg carton recycleIt depends on which type of carton you have. Egg cartons made of cardboard can be recycled just like other types of cardboard. Foam cartons, however, are not part of your curbside program. The technology for creating new products from foam cartons/polystyrene is available, but the market for recycling is very small and specialized. In addition, during transportation and sorting, foam is easily contaminated and degraded due to its light weight.

You can also put cardboard egg cartons in a compost pile. They break down quickly and will help create rich fertilizer for your garden. You can also compost the egg shells!

The key to a successful compost pile is to have half carbon and half nitrogen materials. Carbon materials include paper, straw, or other dry and brown items. The nitrogen half is composed of wet and green items like vegetable scraps and lawn clippings. Make sure to turn your compost pile with a shovel every few days so it breaks down more quickly.

Another option is to reuse egg cartons! They can be made into endless different crafts or household items. Some examples include reusing them as a palette for paints, to organize beads or small screws, or to transport small desserts. Many grammar schools accept egg carton donations to use for future classroom crafts as well.

Remember, small steps like choosing the right egg carton, can lead to big changes for the environment.   So the next time you go shopping, consider buying cardboard egg cartons so that you can recycle or compost them!  Foam egg cartons (and any other foam products) always belong in the garbage.   No matter which carton you buy, you can always make a delicious breakfast out of the eggs!