How Do I Order a Dumpster?

Homewood Disposal offers various dumpster sizes.
Sizes are based on the cubic yards of material each dumpster holds.
10 yard    15 yard     20 yard     30 yard
Not sure which size you need? Our knowledgeable team can help. We’ll guide you to the perfect size for your location and project needs.

A standard dumpster rental is 7 days. If you need to use the dumpster longer, just ask! Homewood Disposal will work with you to select a dumpster and timing for your needs.

Illinois allows  up to 5 tons of material in a 30 yard dumpster. Indiana allows for 4 tons of material in a 30 yard dumpster.

Dumpsters can contain plenty of waste. Be sure your waste is below the top of the dumpster. Piled high waste makes it difficult for the truck to secure the load and poses a risk to other drivers as debris can fall out of the dumpster during transport. If your project has heavy material like dirt, concrete or roofing shingles, let us know ahead of time so you can receive the right dumpster for your project. Charges apply to dispose of additional tons of material.

Go online for a free quote or call for us at 708-798-2212. Let us know your location, and the dumpster size you need. Homewood Disposal will deliver a dumpster that meets your disposal needs. We are always ready to answer your questions! You can pay over the phone or pay when the dumpster arrives. We accept cash, checks, MasterCard and Visa.

With over 65 years of service in your community, Homewood Disposal employs knowledgeable local drivers who know your neighborhood, ensuring timely and personalized delivery. Our truck will safety slide off the dumpster in the location you selected.

Timely dumpster removal can become problem. Many companies will leave their dumpster at your site until they are ready to remove it. No one wants a dumpster at their location weeks after they are finished with it. Our pick-ups are handled quickly. This prevents people from illegally adding extra waste to your dumpster and enables you to quickly move on with your project.

Dumpster Sizes

10 Yard

15 Yard

20 Yard

30 Yard

30 yard dumpster

Why Choose Us?

dumpster cleanup
  • Over 65 years of local experience

  • We make safety a priority

  • Your invoicing and scheduling is an easy customer-friendly process

  • GPS equipped local drivers will easily find your location

  • We provide competitive prices

  • Your questions will be answered by our knowledgeable team